Greenland Halibut fillets (Rheinhardtius hippoglossoides), skin-on, PBO, belly part cutoff, Fully trimmed, IQF Frozen, A grade without jelly meat, 5-7 % compensated glazing, 100 % net weight, firm fish, sizes: 900-1000 gr, 1000-1200 gr, 1200-1500 gr, 1500+ and 2000 gr + (Please kindly tell us the price you got for the raw material of Greenland halibut) Please kindly quote us your best CFR Zeebrugge or Antwerp (Belgium) price with different glazing of 10 %, 15%, 20 % and 25 %. If possible, please also give us the price for the products delivered in bulk (1*10 kg) and in the plastic bags (10*1 kg). |